Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Suit Up

The Muggles have odd forms of formal wear. Why an illustrated version of fowl must adorn this neckwear is beyond me.

Muggle Photo Terms

Muggles have strange photography terms. I was pushed into a picture to create a "photo bomb," though there was no sign of explosives anywhere.

The Muggles love their handheld communicators. They even use them to take pictures. I was humiliated when forced to take part in a "selfie."

Seattle Temple

The little Muggles were proud to show me a special building of worship. I was not permitted to enter.

Muggle Owl System

The Muggles have a system for ordering packages and receiving them at their homes somewhat like our owl system, but utterly lacking in efficiency and grace. I was brought to the headquarters for this system. It seemed quite ordinary.


I was certain the little Muggles were. . . up to something. After voicing my concern, the Muggle mother assigned me to babysit. I found it extraordinarily dull. All they seem to do is make a ridiculous amount of noise, sleep, and ask to play with mundane items such as magnets.

Parks are. . . fun?

During my Muggle studies, I've been surprised at the amount of time small Muggles spend at parks. I attempted to find amusement at one such place, but could not understand why it would be so appealing. The slide seemed to hold the most promise, but it was too small for my impressive stature. Pity.


Apparently my snoozing lasted longer than anticipated, for when I awoke, I was in a new city where the weather was similar to England. Muggles here appear to worship a tall pointy structure and believe it will shoot them into space from the needle tip. That's absurd.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


There is the most comfortable couch here. One can fall asleep on it so easily, in fact, that it is affectionately called the "Sandman Couch."

It was indeed comfortable.

Houston Zoo

I find it hard to understand why the muggles build zoos. They merely walk around and view animals outside of their natural environments. 

Posing for a picture was less than amusing.

But when the muggles put a hat on me it was utterly humiliating.

NASA Visit

Muggles in outer space...without magic. How....peculiar.

San Antonio Botanical Garden