Friday, December 6, 2013

Through Utah

As I began my journey, I quickly realized that muggles are a great mystery. For example, in this small town, they built a giant statue of a miner. I am not sure what purpose it could possibly hold as it stands completely still. It mines nothing and the only protection it could possibly provide would be from the sweltering sun. It is pointless to build something so ridiculously large and immovable.

I was less than amused.

For as impractical as these muggles are, they did manage to build some elegant buildings.

Unfortunately the inside of this particular building was off-limits to cardboard wizards, so I stood outside the gate, unamused by my jovial companion.

I quickly tired of trying to understand muggles and spent a great deal of time trying to block out the world around me. I wonder when this "great muggle adventure" will end...


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